Sharon Steuer

sharonsteuer's picture
Neighborhood: Balboa Park
Group Affiliation: Workspace Artists SF

Sharon Steuer uses traditional and digital painting, drawing, printmaking, and collage to create imaginary worlds of childhood from adult chaos, and to pose taboo questions about medical privacy and genetic surveillance. Her work appears in many books and magazines and has been exhibited widely, with honors including the national Faber Birren Color Award, a Windsor Newton Painting award, and a Connecticut Commission on the Arts Fellowship Grant, Sharon's painting studio is in San Francisco’s Mission district, though you may spot her secretly drawing portraits if you ride public transit.

Sharon is also the author of numerous books, video courses, and articles including the fourteen editions of the Adobe Illustrator WOW! Book series (which has three times received the Benjamin Franklin award for “best computer book”), Creative Thinking in Photoshop, “Artistic Painting” courses at ( Sharon is a longtime contributor to, which now hosts her "The Digital Art Studio" column.